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Who are the Shriners?

A brotherhood of men...dedicated to fun and fellowship...but with a serious purpose.

Shriners are distinguished by an enjoyment of life and a commitment to philanthropy. They enjoy parades, trips, dances, dinners, sporting events and other social occasions. They support what has been called the Worlds Greatest Philanthropy, Shriners Children's, a network of 22 pediatric specialty hospitals, operated and maintained by the Shriners. All children, up to 18 years old, may be eligible for treatment at Shriners Hospitals if they, in the opinion of the hospitals chief of staff, could benefit from the specialized care available at Shriners Children's. Eligibility is not based on financial need or relationship to a Shriner.

Masonary and the Connection to the Shrine

In order to become a Shriner, a man must first be a Mason. The fraternity of Freemasonry is the oldest, largest and most widely known fraternity in the world. It dates back hundreds of years to the time when stonemasons and other craftsmen gathered in shelter houses or lodges. Over the years, formal Masonic lodges emerged, with members bound together not by trade, but by their own desire to be fraternal brothers. The basic unit of Masonry is the Blue Lodge, where members earn the first three Masonic Degrees known as the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason. There is no higher degree than that of Master Mason (the Third Degree).

After he becomes a Master Mason, he can belong to many other organizations which have their roots in Masonry and which have Blue Lodge Masonry as a prerequisite. Only when a man has achieved the status of Master Mason can he petition to become a Noble of the Shriners International. Other affiliated Masonic organizations include the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry (Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Northern Jurisdiction, U.S.A and Canada) and the York Rite.

Relationship Between Shriner & Shriners  Children's™

In a unique interdependent relationship, the Shriners and Shriners Children's are separate but inseparable. Shriners International supports Shriners Children's in many ways: Shrine Centers and clubs often help arrange and pay for transportation for children and parents to these hospitals. Thousands of Shriners spend many hours of their own time driving families to the hospitals and entertaining the patients. In addition, Shriners help support the hospitals financially by paying an annual $5.00 hospital assessment. Shrine Centers and clubs also hold many fundraisers, some of which benefit Shriners Children's.

How To Become A Shriner

If you hold the title of Master Mason in Freemasonry, you qualify and are invited to join the Shriners.

In order to become a Shriner you must ask a current Shriner to support and sponsor your application. This link will make the process easier by pairing you with a virtual mentor who can answer all of your questions, guide you through the petition process and help you get to know members of your local temple. Go to Shriner Roadmap to see what the process is to become a Shriner.

If you are not a Freemason, you must pursue that first. Ask for a virtual mentor who will assist you on that journey. Also see the Mason Roadmap section and click on Freemason for details on that process. Once you are a Master Mason you will then be eligible to petition to become a Shriner.

Click here to read more about Masons and how to become one.

The Benefits of Becoming a Shriner

• Membership in a well-known fraternal organization recognized for its social and philanthropic activities

• Opportunity to develop lasting friendships with others from all walks of life

• A variety of social activities available for you and the entire family including individual clubs/units

• The privilege of being part of the Worlds Greatest Philanthropy, offering Shriners many opportunities to find personal fulfillment and satisfaction through supporting the Shriners Children™.


Ainad Shriners
609 St. Louis Avenue
East St. Louis, IL 62201-2927

Phone: 618/874-1870
FAX: 618/874-6920

Administrator Dan Salvati
Bookkeeper - Gretchen Koehne
Membership - Ashley Little
Bulletin Editor - David Ekstrand
Social Media - Ashley Little

Office Hours
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 4:30

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